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Music Registration

Billboard and Bookings is designed to understand the music registration needs of artists. The goal is to perform an analysis of where the artist is in their music release plan to ensure that all of the behind the scenes administration is accurate and complete. Your metadata needs to be consistent across all platforms and this service will help you each step of the way. Metadata is the distinguishing factors that make up your music; the artist, the title, genre, UPC and ISRC codes, etc.

Ben Harrell will ensure that your music is encoded with all of the entities that track record spins. He will also register your music with the platforms that capture digital and physical sales. This service is not limited to a geographic location as music can be configured with the tools that track music in multiple countries. The idea is to put you in a posture to receive recognition for all of your hard hard work, despite the country or timezone.

Connected Sources

Every artist has a digital footprint. Social media, in combination with metadata encyclopedias, build a profile that tell a story about the artist. Ben Harrell will connect the dots by connecting the sources that will provide analytics on who you are to the world.


The service is designed to ensure that you can focus on creating music. A part of the release of your music is the evaluation of how fans and followers respond to your art. The tools that will be configured on your behalf will give you a strategy on how to engage those interested in your brand.

The Way Forward

As a part of the services, you will receive a Google sheet that will provide real time statuses of each activity that is being performed. This spreadsheet will have restricted access to the members of your team that you designate. The sheet will also contain username and passwords for any accounts that have been created. It will serve as a database for the metadata for your music.


Organization is a key element of success.  Ben Harrell will implement and recommend strategies to support your goals.

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